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Terms of registration:
  • This event is an in-person event and there is no online version of it.

  • There is no refund possible. If needed, you may find a friend to transfer your registration too, with my confirmation.

  • Registration is finalized once the course fee (or the first part of the payment for those paying in two times) is paid via bank transfer or via the website payment platform.​


  • In the unfortunate event of a health issue on the teachers side, making it impossible for them to give the course on the scheduled date, we will offer a refund of 25% of the fee and we will offer access to the online offerings of True Midwifery, at the value of the fee that was paid for the event in Amsterdam. â€‹â€‹


  • Transferring/paying for the registration before filling out the registration form equals to agreeing to the terms of registration



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